基于IGBT 多电源模块的创新加热技术
![]() 1. 简述
2. 模块化加热系统的概念 加热效果与加热线的总长度,线圈的数量和功率,以及频率都有重要关系。对于单一电源加热的加热系统,只能实现对某一特定规格,特定产量条件下的坯料加热单独设计与之相适应的最优化温度分布,最小氧化皮以及最低的粘接率和能耗。这可以通过选择合适的线圈匝数以及工作频率(单一电源,单一频率)来实现,由于频率单一,无法采用最优化的频率加热不同加热工艺阶段的坯料。比如对于坯料最初预热阶段,此时坯料还处于铁磁体状态,比较适合采用低频率加热以便不仅仅加热坯料的表层,同时也深入加热坯料内部。在加热的中间阶段,坯料表面温度介于居里温度和所需的锻造温度之间,此时适合采用比预热阶段高的频率加热以降低能耗。在最后阶段,主要目的是弥补表面与中心温度之间的温差以获得理想的轴/径向温度分布。这时需要最高的工作频率以补偿表面散热。采用独立控制,以不同频率向各个线圈独立供电的新技术后,尽管各个阶段所需功率不同,我们仍能采用匝数相仿的线圈。这样,同一线圈可以用于任何加热阶段,从而有效减少备用线圈数量要求。
各个模块可以根据加热工艺要求自由组合以便每个线圈获得所需的功率。通常情况下,每个线圈可以由最多3个模组的IGBT向该加热区间提供所需功率。在其后的加热区间一般要求较低的功率,因此所用的IGBT模组也较少。加热最后阶段的保温由单个250KW的IGBT模块。设计思路是每个加热阶段的加热能力独立于线圈设计。各模组由连接主板整合,从而获得加热工艺所需的功率大小。功率控制由IGBT 控制板完成,带独立CPU,光纤连接。此项技术具有很好的稳定性并已经在世界范围内的客户得到广泛的应用。
3. THERMPROF©加热工艺控制软件包 由于可以单独控制每个线圈的供电,用户需要一个有力的工具,借助这个工具可以毫不费力地根据自己的生产要求,使锻温度分布均匀,低能耗,少粘接与氧化皮问题,避免过热现象和坯料熔化现象,从而获得最佳的加热效果。
4.加热变频控制系统 PRODAPT®-FX是专门针对锻造车间使用环境的加热程序处理系统。它能有效帮助工作人员为每种坯料寻找最理想的设定参数并且贮存参数供反复调用。其硬件基于工业应用的AC800 软PLC,无旋转部件。该处理系统可以从THERMPROF软件包获取参数后独立运行相关功能。这是一款在其它工业领域广泛使用的成熟技术。
Innovative heating concept using IGBT multi-converter technology
1. Introduction
The technological requirements for the forging process are forced by the needs of a modern production cycle. So high productivity, accuracy in quality and very high flexibility of different parts force the production process to come up with new strategies and ideas to recover the different technical needs.
The whole forming process is strongly influenced by the quality and repeatability of the heating process. So the first target is to obtain the desired enthalpy content in the billets. Furthermore the axial and radial temperature differences in the billets should be as small as possible. However this conflicts with a low scaling and sticking rate. Another important aspect under the view of increasing energy costs is an energy consumption optimized production. Furthermore the length of the equipment is limited by the space of the production facility. So it is very important that the heater respectively the heating process is well adapted to the customers’ requirements in order to get reliable production and high productivity.
2. The concept of a modular heater system
The quality of the heating process strongly depends on the total length of the installation, the number and power rates of the coils as well as their frequencies. For a single converter installation the coils can only be optimized for a single throughput and billet dimensions with respect to small temperature differences in the billet with a low scaling and sticking rate and at low energy consumption. This optimum results from the right choice of the winding number for each coil and the operation frequency
which must the same for all coils, since they are fed only by a single converter. So this frequency also can only be a compromise. At the heater inlet, where the billets are still cold and therefore ferromagnetic, a low frequency is appropriate to heat up not only the billet surface but also its inside.
For the centre section of the heater where the surface temperature of the billets is approximately between curie temperature and the desired forging temperature a higher frequency is necessary to keep the energy consumption small. In the last section basically a temperature compensation between the surface and the centre should be effected to get a homogeneous axial and radial temperature distribution within the billets. The highest frequency is necessary in order to compensate the thermal losses on the billet surface in essence. Due to that new technology with separately fed coils at different frequencies by separately controlled converter units it is possible to make the winding numbers of all coils mostly equal in spite of different required power rates for the respective heater sections. Therefore every coil can be placed at any position so that the number of required spare coils can be reduced substantially.
This multi converter concept is based on IGBT converter technology. Therefore modular converters are designed in such a way, that every IGBT unit is a single converter of 250kW.
The modules can be combined in such a way that each coil gets the necessary power for the specially designed heating process. Mostly a combination of maximum 3 modules per heating region is combined to supply the power to that coil for the heating region. The heating task leads to a reduction of the needed power in the following regions so that there an installation of fewer modules is required.
In the end of the heater the holding zone is fed with 250kW or in fact with one converter for the power supply. The principle is designed to scale the heating process in the different regions independently from the coil design.
The modules are integrated in the converter board. Therefore a combination of the single modules to the power supply is adapted to the overall heating process.
The power control is realized with an IGBT control board with an own CPU via fibre cable connectors.
That system is very reliable and well proofed in different heating installations world wide.
3. THERMPROF© – a software package for controlling the heating process
Since it is possible to control separately every single coil respectively every single converter unit the user needs a tool to find out how to do this to avoid overheating or melting of the billets and to get the best heating process as possible for his special task without any time and cost intensive attempts for an optimal heated billet with respect to uniformity of temperature, low energy consumption and low sticking and scaling rate.
For that task THERMPROF© has been created. It is an end user software package designed for the pre-calculation of the heating process of multi-converter technology heaters for an enthalpy controlled zone heating. The user can quote the desired billet diameter and the throughput or the billet length and its cycle time. Furthermore the averaged temperatures (enthalpy) of the billet cross section area at the ends of every separately controlled coil or coil unit must be defined. The result is a chart for the core, surface and averaged temperature of the billets and the scaling within the heater.
Converter load and temperature are supervised in order to avoid converter overload or local overheating of the billets where the admissible maximum local temperature for each separately controlled coil or coil unit section can be defined by the user. If a converter unit fails this unit can be switched off in THERMPROF© to find out the highest throughput which is still possible.
For more details about the temperature another window can be opened where the temperature distribution within the billet is shown in a coloured 3D visualization. That can be done for any position of the billet by moving the billet along the heaters length. Since it is possible to define the time from leaving the heater to the first forming the temperature within the billet during and after that cooling down time can also be monitored in that way. So the user has the total control about the billet temperature from the beginning of the heating process up to the first forming.
Another feature of THERMPROF© is the cost calculator. It considers the energy consumption, the material costs with respect to the scale losses and the die wear against the uniformity of the temperature distribution within the billets at the first forming. Now with THERMPROF© the user is able to modify the heating process in order to optimize it respectively to minimise the piece costs with the help of the cost calculator.
A further advantage of the enthalpy controlled zone heating by IGBT multi-converter technology is an
even heating up curve of the averaged temperatures of the billet cross section area independent of throughput and billet dimensions. This avoids overheating within the heater at low throughputs and leads only to small billet temperature fluctuations at the heater outlet after throughput changes.
3. PRODAPT-FX - Heating processor for converter control system
The heater processor PRODAPT®-FX is designed for the use in the environment of a forging shop. It helps the blacksmith to find the optimum setting values for the heater for the respective billet programs and to store the values once they have been found, so that they can be reproduced any time.
The hardware is based on the industry controller AC800 soft PLC without any rotating parts. The processor is able to take over the parameters from the software package THERMPROF and to control all the necessary functions out of that information. It has proved its value many times over in other industrial sectors.
Operation and visualization are performed by an operator panel which is user-friendly and suitable for the forge environment. By means of the panel, the heater can be operated via a touch screen and function keys without a mouse. The controller itself has no vulnerable hard disk or active ventilation system and is insensitive to vibrations.
The control during the process is visualized on the control panel. So the user can follow the process all the time and the process can be controlled in a very short time. Also changing of parameters can be done online during the process is in operation in different steps.
In the events of faults in upstream or downstream installations of the forging line, the feed is slowed down to the minimum possible value to reduce the scrap (Holding function). To reduce the scrap when starting up the installation the “Cold Start-up Function” is used. If the coil lining is still cold, the feed is initially reduced to ensure heat-soaking of the coil lining.
The “Cycle Operation” is used to supply the heated billets to the extraction unit with accurate cycle-timing. The feed is controlled in such a way that there are no undefined cycle times if changes are made to the cycle time. |