罗斯追问道:“中国工人比美国工人或德国工人技术更娴熟?”库克解释称:“随着时间推移,美国的许多职业技能已经中断。你可以将美国所有工具和模具制造商请到我们当前所在的房间中。可是在中国,你需要很多足球场大小的空间才能安置下他们的所有制造商。” 另有外媒指出,长期以来,“中国制造”一直是数量而非品质、低价而非高端产品的代名词。但这种状况正开始改变。 事实证明,从服装到电器再到手机,如今中国的产品不仅在耐用性上可媲美日本,还在精密程度上堪比台湾等高科技中心。生产闪存和数据存储卡的台商约翰·严表示,与中国大陆比拼产品质量时轻松胜出的日子已一去不返。 析人士表示,促进质量提高的最常见因素就是向外界学习。中国企业已经通过逆向工程和模仿外国机器改善自身实力。这种现象通常发生在中外合资企业内,且技术转让往往是强制性的。中国的各级工人也在持续提高技能。 附对话的原文: most Americans would be surprised to know that nearly all Apple products are manufactured by one million Chinese workers in the factories of Apple contractors, including its largest: Foxconn. Yet Tim Cook insists that China's vast and cheap labor force is not the primary reason for manufacturing there. Charlie Rose: So if it's not wages, what is it? Tim Cook: It's skill. Charlie Rose: Skill? Tim Cook: It's skill. It's that Chi-- Charlie Rose: They have more skills than American workers? They have more skills than-- Tim Cook: Now-- now, hold on. Charlie Rose: --German workers? Tim Cook: Yeah, let me-- let me-- let me clear, China put an enormous focus on manufacturing. In what we would call, you and I would call vocational kind of skills. The US, over time, began to stop having as many vocational kind of skills. I mean, you can take every tool and die maker in the United States and probably put them in a room that we're currently sitting in. In China, you would have to have multiple football fields. Charlie Rose: Because they've taught those skills in their schools? Tim Cook: It's because it was a focus of them-- it's a focus of their educational system. And so that is the reality. |
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