2011-2-17 10:54:35PRINT
1st Announcement of 5th China Precise Forging Congress (CPFC)
China Precise Forging Congress (CPFC) is held once in two years by CCMI. It is the unique large-sized high level meeting focus on precise closed die forgings area in China. The 4th CPFC was held in Chongqing China in June 2009 that there were 300 participants from over 200 companies.
CCMI will hold the 5th China Precise Forging Congress (5th CPFC) from May16th to May18th in Wuxi Jiangsu. After the conference delegates will visit the local famous enterprises.
Welcome all the colleagues from the precision forging industry to join this great event!
l Call for papers
Cold forging,
Warm forging compound processing technique,
Hot forging without flash , or with little flash.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
1) The recent development and trend of precision forging
2) The research and application of precision forging processes
3) Equipment modification and new equipment
4) The design and manufacture of precision forging die, and the study of die life and new die materials
5) The research and application of blanking, heating, performing, and lubrication
6) The precision forging processes for specialty materials
7) The precision forging production for particular products
8) Heating technology and equipment for forging
9) Workshop production management, cost control, and product quality management
Please note:
The texts of the papers must be submitted by e-mail by March 31st, 2011
Email Address: conference@chinaforge.org.cn
l Supporter
Type of Supporter:
Rights and Interests to Supporters
A. Diamond Supporter
(1) Company’s representative (only one) sits in the front stage.
(2) The emcee will express thanks to the company in the plenary session.
(3) Company’s representative gives a speech of 3 minutes in the opening ceremony.
(4) Gain four seats of Congress.
(5) Gain a free speech or little banner ads of subpages in www.duanxie.cn (one year)
(6) Two standard booths (size: 3m*2m×2)
(7) Company as Diamond Supporter will be put on all the subsequent circulars
(8) Gain one of four cover ads in “PAPERS COLLECTION”.
(9) Trade Brand, big banner ads of channel homepage in www.duanxie.cn (one year)
(10) Company’s logo and name will be put on outstanding places located on the backboard, and the back of participant card
(11) Company’s brochure can be sent to participants with other congress material such as “PAPERS COLLECTION”
(12) Gain one backboard (2m*2m) to propagandize
B. Platinum Supporter
(1) The emcee will express thanks to the company in the plenary session.
(2) Gain two seats of Congress.
(3) Gain a free speech or little banner ads of subpages in www.duanxie.cn (one year)
(4) One standard booth (size:3m*2m)
(5) Company as Platinum Supporter will be put on all the subsequent circulars
(6) Gain one of four cover ads (excluding front cover) in “PAPERS COLLECTION”.
(7) One cover advertisement (one issue) and insert pages (three issues) of “Professional Manufacturers, Recommendation”.
(8) Company’s logo and name will be put on outstanding places located on the backboard, and the back of participant card
(9) Company’s brochure can be sent to participants with other congress material such as “PAPERS COLLECTION”
C. General Supporter
(1) The emcee will express thanks to the company in plenary session.
(2) Gain two free seats of Congress.
(3) Company as General Supporter will be put on all the subsequent circulars
(4) Gain one free insert page of advertisements in “PAPERS COLLECTION”.
(5) Company’s information will be put on “Professional Manufacturers, Recommendation” (one year)
(6) Company’s logo and name will be put on outstanding places located on the backboard, and the back of participant card
Ads price in “Conference Guide”
l Table-top display
Being simultaneous with conference, a Table-top display will be held in an area nearby the conference. Companies will have the opportunity to inform all delegates of their latest developments.
Standard booth
Size: 3m*2m per unit
Package Price: 15,000RMB/unit
Price includes the following service:
-Charge for two person of the company to attend the conference and plant tour
-Area rental for the assembly, exhibition and removal period
-Company’s information will be put on “Professional Manufacturers, Recommendation” (one year)
-One free insert page of advertisements in “PAPERS COLLECTION”.
Please contact: Jessy Lei (Ms.)
Conference Department / CCMI
Address: Jia No. 32 Zizhuyuan Road, Beijing 100048, China
Tel: +86-10-68465045 Fax: +86-10-68465044
Email: conference@chinaforge.org.cn
Download: Application Form.doc
Other information
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