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处理 SSI 文件时出错
处理 SSI 文件时出错
处理 SSI 文件时出错
2010-3-23 10:27:15PRINT

Book Donation Ceremony of Hirschvogel Automotive Components (Pinghu) Co., Ltd.

On 16th March 2010, Hirschvogel Automotive Components (Pinghu) Co., Ltd. (HAC) donated over 1,000 books of various categories to a local private owned elementary school for immigrated children. A ceremony was held in the school playground, during the ceremony Dr. Dirk Landgrebe, General Manager of HAC, expressed his nice wishes and expectation to the children before handing over the books to the student delegates.
The students are charged 450 RMB tuition for every semester; however, with 6 grades of 1,008 students and 35 teachers, the school is still in the situation of lacking capital and resource. HAC noticed that the short of books in the library is serious during their visit to the school and a book donation to them was soon decided by the management team. With so much new books in the the
Students'' hand, no wonder the playground was brimmed with joy and excitement.

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