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U.S.A. – PMA

They give an overview of the situation in the United States and Mexico. Business conditions / shipments steadily improved since the middle of 2009. During this summer (2012) a little downturn appeared. There is a growing trend of layoffs and short time. There is concern about the 4th quarter of this year. Sluggish growth ahead. A report shows that the fabrication of metal products is one of the job creators in the USA, which is a positive boost for the sector as employer. 

Mexico is doing very well as automotive is growing very fast in Mexico and will grow further in the upcoming years. 

美国 - PMA

会上介绍了美国及墨西哥地区的总体情况。2009年年中起,业务情况和订单量稳定改善。 2012年夏季,出现小幅回落。裁员上升,计时工用量增加。今年的第四季度的情况值得关注,预测增幅不大。有报告显示钣金零部件制造行业是美国的就业增长点,这个行业对美国就业具有推动作用。


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